Well how about that?

In an unusual twist regarding a favorite debate subject of mine, that of labeling the United States a “Christian nation”…….a recent survey of Evangelical leaders seems to reject the notion that a free nation can be regarded – logically – as Christian [or Hindu, or Mormon, etc….].

Oh, I know that Israel is an outlier…but it’s also more homogeneous than the US, and the “Basic Laws of Israel” enshrines Judaism.

As the nation celebrated another Fourth of July, American evangelical leaders reflected on whether the United States is a Christian nation. Most (68 percent) who responded to the June 2012 Evangelical Leaders Survey said it is not. 

“Much of the world refers to America as a Christian nation, but most of our Christian leaders don’t think so,” said Leith Anderson, NAE President. “The Bible only uses the word ‘Christian’ to describe people and not countries. Even those who say America is a Christian nation admit that there are lots of non-Christians and even anti-Christian beliefs and behaviors.”

Evangelical leaders said that regardless of whether they would call the United States a Christian nation or not, America is fertile ground for evangelization. “America is one of the world’s great mission fields that the Church has been called to reach in this generation,” said George Wood, General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God denomination.

A non-profit executive continued, “The ‘state’ cannot mandate religion, nor should it. If I lived in another country where the majority practiced a religion other than Christianity, I would not want those religious beliefs dictated to me through the country’s government. I hope others will learn to love Christ as I do, but that will happen more authentically through the Church and individual Christians sharing the Good News and demonstrating the person of Christ through our words and actions.”

Another set of responses noted America’s Christian heritage, and some shared the sentiment that “perhaps the United States was a Christian nation, but it is no longer.” Others rejected the idea of that a nation can be “Christian” altogether.

One thought on “Well how about that?

  1. I agree with them that it is not. We are a constitutional republic.

    Yes, the founders (most of them anyway) did have deep faith, but if this country was founded upon any biblical principles, they were Old Testament ones, not New Testament.


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